Should you find that any times you receive are incorrect or the condition is not up to your satisfaction, you should reject it on the spot by informing our driver. Due to the sensitively condition of our product, confirmed items once received and accepted are not eligible for return.
If you have a valid reason or complaint about the item, please contact us within 24 hours upon receiving your order.
Refund request will be processed within 5 work days. Once approved, refund will be in the form of store voucher. Customer will received voucher code to be used for the next purchase.
Yes. We recommend you plan your orders ahead to avoid any last minute hassle.
You can expect to receive your orders as early as the next working day in certain areas and within 5 working days for other areas after confirmation.
When you successfully placed an order you’ll see a thank you order status page and receive an order confirmation email.
No minimum order for now.
We accept major Credit Card payment (VISA & Mastercard), Internet Banking, E-Wallets and Bank Deposit.
No. You pay as what stated on our website and when you check out your shopping cart.